Before considering moving on after divorce (or moving back home)


Before engaging in any discussion about divorce and moving on after separation – as if it were something inevitable, a must – let’s try to trim a few ideas. Did you know these simple things?



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after separation moving on and never looking back in mirrors



 * Learn to say sorry. It’s okay to acknowledge your mistakes, even if they are big mistakes. Saying you have learned something from the mistake is acceptable.

 * Be a good friend. You don’t have to say that you can fix everything. Just be a good friend to your spouse; that’s all that should matter.

 * Learn to compromise. There is nothing worse than a person demanding something in return for agreeing to anything. It’s not fair.

 * Learn to be a better listener. You can’t just listen all day. Learn to be interested in what the person is saying; that way, you can fix any potential problems.


happy old times before moving on. valid for both of you


* Learn to be a better communicator. You have to learn to speak your truth.

 * Learn to listen. It’s okay not always to agree; learn to listen to the opinions of others. You will learn about the things you should and should not accept.

 * Be a better parent. Be the best parent that you can be. Take your kids out, do their schoolwork, make them well behaved. Show them that you are responsible and that you can provide for them as a father.

If, afterward, things seem to roll towards an inevitable separation, keep reading before moving on after your divorce:


Signs You Should Know and Expect for the End of Your Marriage


How do you know it’s about time to move on after your separation (divorce)? Well, there is a variety of foretelling signs. Know them well and never, never ignore these signs.

I’ve found another interesting article on the net about various things that precede moving on after divorce (if you ever choose that way) here. It could give you some hints if you plan to get away with it and continue with your life.

Let us read a concise and significant quote:

“Divorce is hard on everyone, whether it’s amicable or acrimonious because no-one gets married with the intention of splitting up. Picking up the pieces can be a slow and difficult process.”


If you’re interested in what could happen before and after divorce if you decide to move on, here’s an article of mine which could bring you more information on this matter.

The signs that you are ready to begin dating after divorce seem apparent. However, it is essential to understand the symptoms so that you can start to deal with them.


How to move on after separation as a woman


Not all relationships are happy, but most are. If you are unhappy with your relationship, there are more signs you should be aware of. The symptoms you read about may or may not be a sign that it’s over.

If your relationship has not ended, it still contains a great deal of healing that needs to be done.

A long-lasting relationship can be happy when both partners feel comfortable about their relationship.

They feel as if they were living a full and happy life.

The only way to know this is true is by being in the connection themselves. It is hard not to believe this because you have been in a relationship.

By the way; I would recommend you read this helpful article of mine about being ready for divorce – checklist, and review.


Is It True?


But is it true? If it were true, you wouldn’t be reading my articles.

Sometimes, people do not recognize the signs they have for an ending relationship. They are quick to attribute the symptoms to the end of the relationship, and they don’t observe the healing process.

They don’t see the signs as mere signs of the process of growing together.

When two people are married to each other, they feel as if they know each other. They have grown together. They have made their relationship their home.

Sometimes, they take for granted the importance of doing this. They have no idea how many things they must do to heal a relationship. They have no idea about the signs they have for an ending marriage.

They take them for the end of their marriage as mere hints of the completion of their marriage. They are too busy trying to complete their marriage to take the signs as signs of the process of making a new one.


before your separation


Some people think they have to try to be perfect for getting a happily ever after. They believe that their relationship is so meaningful; they have to work so hard to succeed.

They think that if they fail their first marriage, so much will be lost for their second marriage. They take the signs for the end of their marriage in this way.

I know you may feel that I am overstating the importance of doing this. However, there are real and vital reasons. To heal a relationship, you must be a team, and you must work to complete the process of healing.


Let’s Consider Her Perspective


Now let’s try to look at things from her point of view!

I remember I’ve read a year or two ago an excellent shot book called: What I Learned From Being Married for 15 Years. I don’t recall the name of the author or the print house, but that booklet (or article, whatever) should be easily found on the net now—worth a try, in my humble opinion.

But let’s go on with these interesting ideas, I hope (and I really think you won’t be getting bored reading my somehow – but only temporarily – lines).

The signs that you would be ready to begin dating after divorce seem to be pretty apparent.


solutions to problems


Your ex has been nasty in the past. When you were in the relationship, you were both sweet and caring most of the time. Now that it’s gone, you are nasty on an almost hourly basis.

Your ex is not the same person on the other side of the door now. Sometimes you meet new people, and they are precisely the same.


Your ex seems to be looking for someone very different.


Sometimes you feel like the other person is your soul mate, other times, you feel like you should be looking in a million directions.

Your partner seems to be settling into life alone. You felt a sense of loss, loneliness, and insecurity when you were in a relationship, but not with this person.

These are all valid symptoms and signs, but not always a sign that you will get together!

The most important thing is to work it out between the two of you and let the past heal and move on with the other person.

There are so many ways to start dating after divorce; so many reasons to take the step, like meeting a new person, moving house, etc.

Remember, the past is past, and it can be closed and resolved.

However, if you allow the past to linger for way too long, you will come back to this and haunt you, and then make you doubt yourself and what you are doing.


What should you do? Moving home after divorce?


First, make sure you are looking within for the issues, but that is not always easy. So many people lie about how they feel because they are ashamed of how they used to feel.

You have to be strong and not allow the past to follow you because it will eat you from the inside outward. But the second step is to go on a date!

You have to remember why you first met! That person is dead; long live new you! So now you have a date on the first night, and you are excited. You want to go out and have fun!

This should only be a step in the right direction. Now is the time to learn and grow.

You have to start learning new things, like what you like, what you don’t, how to talk to people, how to socialize, how to date other people, your hobbies, what your interests are, the new things that excite you.

Now is the time to learn more and expand your mind, horizons, and horoscopes.


After divorce

Women are often a lot happier after a divorce than men are. Some women will immediately find a new passion; some would gladly reconnect with an old one.

When your divorce is behind you, your life will get easier in many ways.

You will start to enjoy doing simple grocery shopping, cooking dinner, looking after the children, and cleaning.


thing that can help you along with the process


You will start to have newfound energy in everyday life activities, and you will find that you can begin to enjoy things you’ve avoided doing for a long, long time.

Therefore, it’s essential to make yourself feel good again through self-help material to help you through the process.

And, oh! Don’t forget to ask for advice from your old, trustworthy friends and family!


finding yourself back


One thing that can help you along with the process is self-help books. You can find quite a number of them for women who have gone through a divorce and live happy lives again.

You can also buy self-help CDs which will help you along the process, and you are more likely to use them if you can sit and listen to them over a while, obviously if they are not boring.

You don’t want to be overwhelmed by them all at once because this can make you feel worse rather than feeling good. You want to get the positive things out of it in as much as possible.


You Don’t Want To Miss Out On All The Happiness This Year!


The self-help material you should use is those books specifically tailored to women who have gone through a divorce.

These are the ones that will help you work through the emotional stages of divorce more effectively, and they also help you to find solutions to problems. When you start to feel bad about yourself and feel as if your life is falling apart, you are trying to cope rather than cope with yourself.

In these books, you will find strategies to make you feel good so that you can cope with your new life and make it as good as it can be.


Women are often a lot happier after divorce than men are


It would help if you took some time out for yourself before you start your new life, and you don’t want to overwhelm yourself with stress during this time.

If you want to learn how to cope with the stress that divorce brings to life, you must understand the problem. You don’t want to waste your time crying yourself to sleep. After all, you don’t know where to start because you are too tired to think correctly.

The only thing that you have to start with is a determination to do something.

You have to do something, and you have to get started.

There aren’t enough vacation days in the world, and there aren’t enough hours in the world to make a start.


Staying together or moving on


If, however, you decide that staying together couldn’t be an option anymore, here are a few ideas about facts and feelings generally happening with people who decide to go on separate ways.


simple but joyful


Here are several interesting ideas from another exciting article on this sensitive matter I’ve found online. Actually, it is a known thing that you could find any sorts of things and ideas if you’ve got the time, the patience and goodwill to search for them. Here it is.


“What’s interesting about dating after divorce is that people around you have many opinions on what you should do. Go out and play the field. Stay away from dating until you heal yourself. Date, but not seriously. Don’t get into another relationship too quickly.” 


It seems it will not end well.


These are common beliefs people have but are they real? And what’s the truth? Let’s find out.

Let’s face the facts. Divorces are stressful; it’s part of the deal. When you get married, you sign a contract with your spouse, promise to stick with each other through sickness and health, till death do you part. 


divorce with kids is like an adventure


Well, what happens if you’re moving on and kids are involved?


Let’s try to examine it from their perspective.

What if you are the person getting divorced? You don’t know what is going to happen. There’s a big chance that you will lose contact with the other parent, especially the younger ones. You don’t know when or if they’ll come back home.

What if this happens more than once? You don’t know what to do.

Now we know what you are feeling right now. It feels like a lion is eating you, but you still have hope.

You have faith that this is going to be alright. Eventually, you know it will end, so you don’t feel like you are the main course. You know that you don’t have to wait for months on end before your other parent comes back home.

You feel that this isn’t a wasted life, but you will have to earn your parent’s love once more.


moving on after divorce and having some extra fun and cookies


Final thoughts


The truth of the matter is that there aren’t any magic ways to fix a divorce. It really has nothing to do with you. It is just going to take time. And you will have to learn some lessons about life.

For example, not always believing what you say, for example. You have to work on the things that can kill your relationships if you do not want that to happen again in the future.

I sincerely hope that reading this post was useful to you. I know, sometimes it’s pretty hard to talk about such sensitive matters…

However, every bit helps. So, I hope it did! For some extra reading, please, see my post about the first steps to divorce here.


Maria Simmons


P.S. All photos in this blog post have been chosen from the DigiProduct Collection entitled Groups and Couples

I have bought the copyright of this marvelous collection, and I can use any photo in my work, with or without any alterations.

Disclaimer. Please, consider my words as wise thoughts towards keeping your relationship (or marriage) work.

I never would encourage people to go separate ways.

Well, before moving on after a divorce, think carefully if that divorce would be really, really necessary.

Good Luck!



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