Cheat Proofing Your Relationship Is a Hard Question to Address


ARTICLE by Felicity Keith


Hi. I was thinking of inserting, in my blog, articles written by well-established authors on these topics.

One of the most prolific and equally interesting authors is Felicity Keith.

Is It Something He SECRETLY Craves?

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She is also running an excellent site and sells a quality product, called Language of Desire.

(this is an affiliate link; if you buy following it, I might make a small commission at no expense for you; the commission would help me maintain my site and cover the ever-growing expenses).

Don’t be afraid of the more “erotic” nature of the program.

It doesn’t damage your relationship when it’s something that happens once in awhile, especially when the fantasy includes a celebrity or someone you aren’t ever actually going to even meet…let alone get naked with.

While this program is unabashedly about sexuality, there’s nothing explicitly “dirty” in the video, sales page, or anywhere throughout the sales funnel.

They’ve got this awesome testimonial from affiliate Marni Kinrys (“Wing Girl,” product creator and podcast host):

“All I Can Say Is WOW!!”

“The Language Of Desire is AWESOME.  It doesn’t feel slimy and sleazy like other sex advice products. This one actually showed me how I could tap into my sexual and sensual side without coming across as a slut. 

Felicity gets down to the nitty-gritty, cuts out the fluff, and totally delivers quality advice that I could use instantly.

IN FACT, I just used one of her tips from Module 5 on the element of surprise on my husband this afternoon, and all I can say is WOW! 

Big thumbs up from me on this product.”


Can You “Cheat-Proof” Your Relationship


Well well! After a lot of introduction paragraphs about cheat-proof in your relationship, here’s the article:


Is there a way to prevent a partner from straying? How can you learn to trust again after getting betrayed?

Listen as Felicity gives advice in this Q&A about trust and infidelity.

“Hi, Felicity – I need some advice. I am in a great relationship, we’ve been going strong for about six months now. I am happy and in love, and he seems just as content. But the problem is my last boyfriend was a cheater.

When I discovered his betrayal, I was devastated. I even swore off love forever. Although, eventually I got tired of being single.

And I met a really great guy I really don’t know, how I will survive without you.(we were set up by my good friend, a co-worker of his). And even though my new guy is very different, and I love him very much, I’m still terrified he’s going to cheat on me, too.

Is there anything I can do to make sure he won’t stray from our relationship?”

Well, short of locking him in a shed and hiding the key (which I do NOT recommend btw), the harsh answer is no.


There isn’t anything you can do to “make sure” he won’t stray.


And I can tell you the quickest way to push him away (and possibly encourage him TO stray) is to constantly worry about him cheating.

Curious Woman Looking if Her Boyfriend is Cheating Because your constant anxiety will come across in your communication.

And it will feel to him like you are saying “I don’t trust you”.

Over time, this weighs heavily on the relationship. It’s actually downright toxic.

He may even begin to feel like you are accusing him of cheating.

And being made to feel guilty when you are innocent builds resentment. Big time resentment.

I remember when I was a kid and my mom didn’t trust me to not get into the Halloween candy she’d bought in early October.

So she hid it (not very well).


And she kept tabs on me. your hardest goodbye. And watched me…

And finally, I just got so sick of being made to feel like I’d snuck some candy when I hadn’t…that I climbed up to the place she hid it in the hall closet and snatched a big handful.

Obviously, this is a lot more serious than sneaking a few fun-size chocolate bars…but the result could end up the same. I’m not saying he’s going to run out and cheat.I’m not saying he’s going to run out and cheat

But if he feels like he’s already paying the price for a crime he didn’t commit…well…

My suggestion?


It sounds to me like you have some processing to do from your last relationship.

A therapist or counselor can be a great option to help you work through your feelings of betrayal from the past.

There are also tons of great books out there that can walk you through the steps of healing and learning to trust again.

And give your new boyfriend the benefit of the doubt. If he gives you no reasons to be distrustful, then for the sake of your relationship, you’ve got to knock it off with your worrying.
Here is the tough reality when it comes to love and cheating: on some level, you have to understand that it is possible you could get cheated on again.


And it will suck big time if it happens.


But the good news is you will survive. You made it through before and have even been able to fall in love again.

Now, for some super fun ways to bolster both your emotional and physical connection…it sounds to me like taking a proactive approach to deepening your intimacy is one remedy for your anxiety.


Happy Couple With Strong Relationship and No Issues


Happy Couple With Strong Relationship and No Issues And, while it doesn’t “cheat-proof” your relationship, generally speaking, when both partners are feeling really connected to one another the chances of any wandering eyes go way way down.

And when you are having a blast in the bedroom, you are focused on each other morewhen you are having a blast in the bedroom, you are focused on each other more than the idea of extra-curricular.

You may have seen the emails from Mike Fiore about the new program I put together called Language of Desire.

In it you will find over 30 techniques specifically designed to not only give you both an awesomely fun sex life, but ways to deepen the emotional intimacy component of your relationship, too.

You can check it out at


If you have a relationship question you’d like me to answer, join me on my Facebook page and send me a message!



Honestly, the sales copy itself is about as controversial as “Cosmo.”

In their program presentation, they say:

When we first started sending more “sexual” stuff to our list, we expected some kind of backlash . . . it never came. In fact programs about sex, how women can be better at sex, and how women can HAVE better sex became some of our best sellers.


My recommendation for you would be to buy this product.

I hope that reading this article brought you an enjoyable moment.


Maria Simmons


P.S. If you’re wishing to read something more optimistic than cheat-proofing your relationship, here are two blog-posts of mine that will suit. This one.

And this one.

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